Saturday, September 26, 2015

Every politician should learn SharePoint

We all heard the sad news from Mecca. When I see the picture below, I realized that there was something wrong.

Some people said that every one should learn to code, I don't agree about that. But, maybe, every politician should learn SharePoint.

Anyone who is familiar with SharePoint knows that we should not put all data into one site collection. Instead, we split the data into different category, and then create an dedicated and isolated site collection for each of the category.

If we split those 2 million people into 1000 groups, and then set 20 meter gap among those groups, would similar stampede ever happen?

100,000 police deployed there didn't help much. It's like, no matter how many CPU cores, how much RAM and how many SSD are there, for a SharePoint farm with even 2000 users, if we put all data into one site collection, sooner or later, we will see the sad ending.

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