A few weeks later, the same issue happened again.
The error messages in ULS are:
04/11/2017 10:14:30.55 w3wp.exe (0x2A3C) 0x6E48 SharePoint Foundation Claims Authentication amcbl Medium Trusted provider is missing. Provider: '00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000' 97c8e69d-f945-3099-c843-9153fa257c74
04/11/2017 10:14:30.60 w3wp.exe (0x2A3C) 0x6E48 InfoPath Forms Services Runtime m0ib Medium Not persisting state for request due to previous errors. Form Template: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:workflowInitAssoc:-AutoGen-2017-04-07T00:12:12:113Z 97c8e69d-f945-3099-c843-9153fa257c74
After some investigation, I finally found how to reproduce the error.
Every time when SharePoint server is rebooted (for windows OS patching or something else), or after re-publishing the workflow, the workflow instances would not be triggered. Users have to trigger it again (manually or through a item level event) to make it work.
It only happened on 2010 version workflows.
That's interesting.
I replicated the site collection to DEV environment, and then tried it there. Same.
I created a new site collection in DEV, and built a new workflow there. The workflow worked well.
I compared all settings at different level (site collection, site, list, workflow, etc.), and could not find the problem.
SharePoint 2013 CU201703 is installed, but that doesn't help.
In the end, as the error mentioned that it's throw out by "InfoPath Forms Services", I decided to switch the workflow URL from
{Site URL}/_layouts/IniWrkflIP.aspx?List={List ID}&ID={Item ID}&TemplateID={Template ID}
{Site URL}/Workflows/{Workflow Name}/{Workflow Initiation Form Page}?List={List ID}&ID={Item ID}
The first one, by default, is used by SharePoint Standard and Enterprise edition; the latter is used by SharePoint Foundation server. Of course InfoPath form provides much more functionalities to the workflow initiation form. But in my case, we don't customise any workflow form.
The change can be done by the PowerShell script below:
Get-SPSite $SiteUrl | %{ Get-SPFeature -Site $_ |?{$_.DisplayName -eq "OffWFCommon"} | Disable-SPFeature -URL $SiteUrl}
Then, we have to rebuilt the workflow. (Thanks God, we can copy & paste workflow activities in SharePoint Designer now)
That's it.
If any one knows the root cause of this problem, could you please share it here?
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